VANESSA CORNIER is a journalist, photographer and producer from Paris. France. She has worked in both national and local radio in France and the UK, and worked with famous TV Production companies, including Air Productions and Atomic Productions (France) as a production assistant. An avid journalist, she has reported at the cutting edge for numerous websites and many publications internationally. She is also a correspondent of the innovative Le Petit Journal, and was most recently on the staff of Agence In medias res, coordinating the editorial and production work on the prestigious French magazine M3.

She has worked variously as interviewer, reporter, feature writer, presenter, technician and DJ’s assistant across the media spectrum. Her radio work includes Les Grosses Têtes with Philippe Bouvard, Et Stop ou Encore with Vincent Perrot, Journalist reporter for Génération Fun with DARIO. Her journalism has been published in important publications, such as, WOMAN & HOME, London (Freelance journalist for the fashion and feature departments);  LE GUIDE DES FESTIVALS, Paris (Multimedia Journalist and photographer), JASSOCE (Associative Magazine), Paris (Journalist, Photographer), and LE FIGARO ETUDIANT, Paris (Sports, Health, Cinema and Theater Journalist).

Her North African and French parentage and keen scholarship afford her unique insight into society, and inspires her progressive and open-minded approach to work. She is an ideas person with a penchant for unearthing unique stories from the unbeaten-track.

Vanessa studied Economic and Social Studies at L’Isle d’Abeau (38), France, specialising in Political Sciences. She subsequently read English and Spanish at Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon, and Journalism and Communication at ISCOM, Lyon.

She is Stonedog's France representative and producer.